Product Training

A well-crafted product training strategy equips your sales and service teams with resources for enhanced customer interactions.

ELearning Case Studies

The kitchenaid logo is red on a white background.

Global powerhouse KitchenAid had the ambitious goal of providing universal training across regions for everyone–from global marketing managers to in-store sales staff.

JR created a comprehensive series of versatile training materials and an interactive eLearning initiative to ensure consistent messaging worldwide. 


Students reached


Different languages

A whirlpool commercial laundry logo on a white background.

Whirlpool needed a more efficient way to train thousands of team members, retailers, and third party installers in an organized and efficient way. JR created a comprehensive program to remotely train teams.

These trainings, both live and on-demand, helped reduce installation times and damage to product, as well as secondary installation trips due to poor installation.


On-demand eLearning courses


Additional LDC partners

The skytron logo is a blue circle with a white s on it.

Skytron faced slow installation and repair times for its highly advanced and technical products. After much research, JR developed video content and eLearning courses that were ideal for their team. 

By enhancing the content with interactive elements and voice-over narration, users were able to retain more of the valuable information. Armed with this knowledge, service technicians were able to provide rapid response on diagnostics, service, and preventative maintenance.

Partnering with JohnsonRauhoff

Lets talk about what your next project needs. Our goal is to guarantee that every detail is accurate, the messaging and visuals are compelling, and the entire process flows effortlessly.